Creativity, Food for the Soul, Inspiration, Inspirational Quotes, Photography, The Art of Being ALive

Returning to Life

“No difficulty can dishearten the man who has acquired the art of being alive.”

~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

2020 was long year, and I think we’re all ready to begin again. The pandemic began slow and spread so quickly that it cracked the world into pieces. God used the opportunity to wedge between the cracks, infiltrate, widen the space, loosen up the pace, and create TIME.

Time had disappeared.

The world was forced to slow down and reinvent itself from its entanglement.

And now it’s time to return.

This is as close as I could get to my mom in a year.
It’s time for all of us to begin again.

This hardship changed the way we knew life. It changed communication, commerce, and connection.  It changed humanity.

The reentry into civilization will place us in a world that demands different things from us, and like a prisoner after incarceration, it’s going to take some internal work – an adjustment in mindset to begin again.

We’re all in the same situation though. Emerging. We’re coming back with shaky legs and squinted eyes and we’re going to just wing it for awhile, tiptoeing until we find our way again.  

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could enter into the world with more kindness and empathy to ourselves and to each other as we begin again?

I wrote a book during this time of seclusion: ‘THE ART OF BEING ALIVE’, and it’s about just that –LIVING.

It’s an inspiring photo essay that allegorically ties the art of life with the art of photography through photos, insights and inspiring quotes.

This book will be released on March 20th with the symbolical intention of a fresh start to life.

The book will be released on March 20th– the first day of spring with the intention of signifying a fresh start –letting go of the past and moving forward. My hope is that it will entertain, inspire, and help with this resurgence into life.

I don’t want this post to be an advertisement, but I did want to make you aware that it’s on the way as we begin to rebuild our lives from the traumas of 2020.

Here’s more information about ordering:

See you next time!
