Creativity, Food for the Soul, Insights on Living, Inspiration, Inspirational Quotes, MidWeek Boost, Photography, Photography Tips, PhotoTip Friday, The Art of Being ALive


“Let your life dance lightly on the edges of time like dew on the tip of a leaf.”

 ~Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore’s quote is invigorating, but ‘dancing lightly’ is easier said than done.

We hold on to things, and these ‘things’ weigh us down. We can take some lessons from nature, though. Watching nature’s consistent repetition – the way dawn follows darkness, flow follows ebb, and winter turns to spring. Day by day, year by year, this constant rhythm is a reminder for us also to release; Let go of what no longer serves us as gently as a tree surrenders its leaves, preparing for a new season.

This idea of ‘releasing’ inspired me one morning when I was out photographing after a night of fresh rain. 

On this particular morning, I walked on a trail along the Poudre River where I live. The fields sparkled as they reacted to the warming sunshine.

Looking at the grasses through my camera, I noticed with a slight shift of my lens, a speck of sunlight appeared through the dewdrops, adding extra flavor to the scene. 

It didn’t take much, just a subtle realignment on my part for an added spark of enchantment.

That was an enlightening moment for me. It struck me that any situation on earth can be difficult, mediocre, even meaningless, but a gentle shift of attention or a slight adjustment of attitude can transform the circumstance into a surprising outcome.

Unleash yourself from the burdens that hold you back and give full attention to the moment. This slight shift of mindset can create the space to discover profound new experiences in life.

“If you wish to fly, you must let go of the things that weigh you down.”

~Toni Morrison

Thanks for joining me here for a MidWeek Boost. Be sure to subscribe to the Art of Living Blog as we artistically energize you with insights on living, inspiration, and a bit of photography too! ↓