Food for the Soul, Insights on Living, Inspiration, Inspirational Quotes, MidWeek Boost, The Art of Being ALive

Be still and listen.

“Inward is not a direction. Inward is a dimension.”

~Sadhguru Jaggi

Here’s a quick mid-week boost.

Many times in a day we find ourselves worrying about what others are thinking, regretting the past, fearing the future. These interruptions cause blockage so we can’t be all that we can be.

This tension exists because we reach out before reaching in, leaving our souls crying for attention.

Just for a minute right now shut everything else out and listen. What do you hear? Wide open and receptive, we can interact directly with the world with our wisdom guiding us.

Move inward to the Spirit within before you move outward to the world.

“For direction, look within.”

Thanks for joining me here for a MidWeek Boost. Be sure to subscribe to the Art of Living Blog as we artistically energize you with insights on living, inspiration, and a bit of photography too! ↓

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