
The Beginning.


“The beginning and end of all artistic activity is the reproduction of the world that surrounds me by means of the world that is in me.” ~Goethe

Hello. I’m back! I’ve been on sabbatical exploring. I took a break to look inward and then outward at my direction in life. It’s amazing what emerges when that happens.

Although I’ve always been a writer, I’ve never used the venue of a blog to communicate before, but there’s much to share from what I’ve learned, so here I am, and I’m glad you’re here with me. There’s so much ahead!

Just briefly, I’ve been a professional photographer for as long as I can remember, but recently I became unsettled, needing more. Something was gnawing at me. I moved through the day at half-mass and unfulfilled. There was more I needed to accomplish. I dismissed myself from life for a bit to re-evaluate and realign.

All this happened about the time Covid was infiltrating our lives. Social Distancing, Contact Tracing, and Quarantine became the buzz words, so it was easy to slip away, check-in with myself, and explore my restlessness.

So this is where I’ve been for six months, tethered to my laptop and notebook. During these months of seclusion, I meditated, contemplated, studied my journals, and wrote. I wrote volumes about what I’ve come to know in my lifetime. I wrote about photography and photoshop. I wrote about people and inspiration and life. Then I wrote a book, a photo essay on living life ( to be released March 20th) …more on that later!

This blog is a result of my seclusion. It will highlight all these things that emerged. This is a place for inspiration, education and encouragement. Posts will feature inspirational insights, creativity enhancers, photography tips, short how to’s, photoshop tips, lots of images, photo excursions, and expert guest bloggers on all these topics. The blog will be for anyone who wants to dig deeper into themselves, deeper into creativity, and deeper into more passion in life.

Thanks for joining me here! I hope you’ll find this blog both inspirational and informational. You can subscribe below if you’d like to know when new posts are released.

See you next time, when we’ll start digging into some of these topics!


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